Caren's Cocina is Back!
A big shoutout and thank you to the faithful few of you who have stuck with me on Facebook! Since the passing of my beloved Mr. Fluffy, I needed to come up with a
new name for my Instagram account, and soon realized I already had a name since
mrfluffy_and_friends was already connected to my Caren's Cocina Facebook account.
So, this blog is renewed, revamped, and refreshed. I'll add some new recipes soon, and
since I keep writing books nobody's read, I've added a section called My Stories. There
you'll find stories I've written, some inspirational, others not so much, but that I will hope
you'll enjoy. I'm still learning my way around this blogging site and hoping to start a newsletter, but so far I haven't figured out how to mail it! As soon as I do, I'll let you know. Until then, dear readers, I hope this website will entertain as well as inspire you.